Thursday, 3 June 2010

Green Tea Extract Capsules

The popularity of green tea capsules is on the rise, according to industry reports. The boost in sales, they believe, is due to recent studies concerning two of the benefits of green tea extract. They are an increase in fat oxidation and an increase in insulin sensitivity, an important factor for diabetics and those with metabolic syndrome. may have heard these reports, but might only have part of the story.

First of all, they were very small studies, with 11 healthy men participating in the insulin sensitivity trial and 12 in the fat oxidation trial. Second, the green tea capsules that they were given contained 890mg of polyphenols and 366 mg of catechins. Those are the active components of the teas, but that is a “mega-dose”.

Respected health experts recommend 98mg polyphenols, 80mg catechins and 50mg polysaccharides, another healthy component of teas, on a daily basis combined with other nutrients to get the health benefits of green tea extract, without overdoing it.

As far back as Linus Pauling, a well-respected chemist, researchers have debated the issue. Today, most agree that a small dosage is good for maintaining health. Larger dosages may be necessary for people suffering from specific diseases, but should only be used under a doctor’s supervision, because large doses can be toxic.

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